ACh - acetylcholine A - ampere C - capacitance cm - centimeter CNS - central nervous system C - concentration g - conductance gx - conductance of ion "x" i - current db - decibel EEG - electroencephalogram EMG - electromyogram Vx - equilibrium potential of ion "x" EPSP - excitatory postsynaptic potential Hz - hertz IPSP - inhibitory postsynaptic potential Pi - inorganic phosphate ix - ionic current of ion "x" |
JND - just-noticeable-difference kHz - kilohertz kV - kilovolt Vmax - maximum velocity of shortening of a muscle MLF - medial longitudinal fasciculus Vm - membrane potential m - meter m/sec - meters per second mA - milliampere mg - milligram ml - milliliter mm - millimeter mM - millimole msec - millisecond mV - millivolt MEPP - miniature endplate potential min - minutes M - molar |
NE - norepinephrine nm - nanometer VPL - nucleus ventralis posterolateralis of the thalamus VPM - nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of the thalamus Greek letter omega - ohm pF - picofarad dV/dt - rate of change of voltage R - resistance VE - respiratory flow rate Vr - resting membrane potential sec - second SPL - sound pressure level Greek letter lambda - space constant TEA - tetraethylammonium TTX - tetrodotoxin Greek letter tau - time constant V - volts or voltage |